Monday, December 01, 2008


We just returned from a wonderful Thanksgiving at Tunitas Creek Ranch. It was a mix of Mor Mor, Nanny, Bacco, both Uncle Tims and all my cousins except Grace, Cal, Johnny, and Kate (they were in Seattle). My favorite moments were in front of the television, but aside from that, there was the outdoor kitchen, the beach, milking the goats, reading books, playing with cousins, and eating treats. I'm thankful for my huge and very fun family.

So, when's Christmas?

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Gus is ONE

I can't believe how quickly the past year has been. One minute, he's a little alien attached to mom's boob, and the next minute he's scooting around on his bottom, jabbering away in his alien language. On September 21, we celebrated his first birthday. Now I guess I'm realizing that he's human, and he even looks like me. Not a big surprise, but he ate his whole birthday cake slice in about 10 seconds, and then looked around for more. You can't help but love him.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Nanny's farm

We just returned from a fabulous, weeklong visit to Nanny's farm in Half Moon Bay. I got to sleep in a cabin with Nanny and Rosy-the-dog all to myself. I also had fun milking the goat, harvesting fresh organic vegetables and fruits, feeding apples to the horses, hiking, four-wheeling with daddy, playing on the beach, and reading books in the sunny chair. Honestly, can you beat a vacation like that?

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Me n Grandpa

I know, technically, this is Hazel's blog, but I think it's time to move over and make way for the next generation, heh? Here's a picture of me, Mr. Angus Oluf Schaub, with my grandpa.

Um, excuse me, how many more minutes until my next meal?
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You know what I love best about my cousins in Seattle? They have a magical power over my mom and she always lets me eat sweets when I'm with them. Case in point: here's me on the 4th of July at Van and Zoe's house eating a S'more. We spent a week in Seattle with Van while Zoe and her parents were in Greece. I think my mom was a little strung out by the end, but I loved it. Van and I make a great team.
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Point No Point

Hi folks, Angus here. I know I haven't yet mastered my pincer grasp, but I think typing is actually pretty easy compared to picking up a raisin. This is a picture of me at Point No Point on the Olympic Peninsula. I was there a few weeks ago with my mama, sister, and cousin Van. I don't know about you, but I think the whole sand thing is just thrilling. You can pick it up, but then it slips through your fingers. It's cool, but also hot. You can even eat it. Amazing.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Angus 8 mo

Angus is really starting to become a real person. He likes to look at me with his half-lidded eyes and smile or cry, depending on the situation. He eats like a horse! I mean, way more than I do and he's half my size. I wonder if he's going to be super tall like his mean mommy.
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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Bouncy thing

Since it was my birthday, Cal's birthday, Zoe's birthday, and Johnny's birthday, and Joel's birthday all in the same month, plus MorMor and Bacco's 40th wedding anniversary, we celebrated by getting a big bouncy castle for a whole day down in La Quinta. Lemme tell you that it was big FUN. Here's a picture of the palacious interior.
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Oh and here's my cake.
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I turned THREE last week and had a really fun sprinkle party with my cousin Claire. Here we are waiting for our cake! If you haven't guessed, we got to put the sprinkles on ourselves. I also got some balloons and I got to see all my cousins, all my grandparents, and all my aunts and uncles just before and after my birthday. That was the best part. I have a really big family.
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Friday, March 28, 2008

Yellowstone Ski

On a random Wednesday, completely out of the blue, my parents surprised me by driving me and my best friend Claire (and Angus) all the way to Yellowstone National Park to go skiing. It started off real nice. We were all snuggly and warm in our Chariot stroller thing with dad pulling me and Angus and mama pulling Claire. I had almost dozed off completely when we went down a hill too fast and the stroller rolled completely over. Then mama rolled Claire, too. Needless to say, us kiddos decided to stay up the rest of the time just to be safe. I'm glad we did, too, 'cause we saw lots of buffalo and elk and we had a good long time to catch up on life.
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Sunday, March 02, 2008

WInter is NOT over...

Greetings friends! After warm weather lulling us into believing that winter was over, we got a big dump of snow yesterday, turning everything white and beautiful again. Here's a pic of me and dad and Angus in the hot tub enjoying the view. Hope you're having a good day.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Me and Gus

This here is an updated picture of me and my brother Angus. He's getting more fun, but mom won't let me pick him up by myself yet (because I drop him when I get distracted or tired). Gus is kind of a mama's boy, from what I can tell. He likes to be held ALL THE TIME because he likes to look around. I think he secretly hopes he'll be tall so he doesn't miss any of the action. The best part about Gus is that he laughs when I tickle him. So far, he hasn't smiled for many pictures. I didn't either, so maybe it's a family thing. We like the deadpan. It works for us.


This thing showed up the other day along with four young ski bums who hooked it up and got it started. How cool is that? We're having hot tub parties twice a day. How 'bout that lunar eclipse, too?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Converse Kids

What's with this kid? He's got a sweet pair of high tops like mine, but he can't seem to walk, run, jump or anything. It's like he's made of playdough. He does kick his legs around a lot when he's lying down, though. He also hits himself in the face a lot. Jeez Angus, would you hurry up and get big like me so we can REALLY play?

Monday, January 14, 2008

January Morning

Here we are, back to the daily grind. Mom is staying at home with me and Gus now, which is pretty cool, except that she is ALWAYS holding Gus, which doesn't leave a lot of tumbling time with me. That's okay though because I go to gymnastics every Monday and I get to bounce on the trampoline. I've got a buffalo head in my backyard. Wanna see it?