Monday, August 29, 2011

Priest Lake

Just returned from a trip to Priest Lake where we camped with THIRTEEN families at a super-great campsite with tons of bike loops for kids and a beach for swimming. I've never been around so many kids. We just biked around and around and around until it got late and we had TWO desserts every night. We even went mountain biking on the same trails as my mom and dad. I am a really good bike rider and I swim just like a mermaid (mom said).

Lovin' summer

Whew. It has been a VERY busy summer indeed. After visiting Nannie at her farm, I was shuttled straight up to Spirit Lake for a birthday celebration for my uncle Tim. I got to go tubing with Claire and swam around the entire dock in my lifejacket without an adult for the first time!! Then we were home for about a day before turning around and driving south to the Grand Ronde river for a big float trip in the raft with Nannie and my family. I thought it was SO fun to go down the rapids in the inflatable kayak. We even took Jake with us and--get this--he had his own LIFEJACKET. We came back from this trip and BOOM, we left again for Canada and a fabulous boat trip with Mor Mor and Bacco. I practiced jumping from the boat and even from a salt-water hot tub on Mink Island. We had a treasure hunt at Squirrel Cove because my mom overheard a real pirate talking about the treasure he left for us at a pay phone at the store. SO COOL!!