Sunday, April 20, 2008

Bouncy thing

Since it was my birthday, Cal's birthday, Zoe's birthday, and Johnny's birthday, and Joel's birthday all in the same month, plus MorMor and Bacco's 40th wedding anniversary, we celebrated by getting a big bouncy castle for a whole day down in La Quinta. Lemme tell you that it was big FUN. Here's a picture of the palacious interior.
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Oh and here's my cake.
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I turned THREE last week and had a really fun sprinkle party with my cousin Claire. Here we are waiting for our cake! If you haven't guessed, we got to put the sprinkles on ourselves. I also got some balloons and I got to see all my cousins, all my grandparents, and all my aunts and uncles just before and after my birthday. That was the best part. I have a really big family.
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