Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Wow. If I had known that my parents would let me EAT CANDY on Halloween, I would have gotten excited a lot earlier. As it was, I woke up from a good nap, got into my costume and walked down to Main Street, a little baffled at the way my parents were looking at me. But after getting a piece of candy handed to me without even having to whine for it, I kind of got the hang of it. Is this for real?? Anyway, it was a fun night that ended with yummy soup at Annie's where I got to look at all the costumes that came to the door without having to actually wear that itchy horse costume any more. Can we do Halloween again tomorrow??

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Heavenly Autumn

I love FALL. All the turning leaves, the pumpkin carving party, hikes in Yellowstone, bike rides, and fishing. Here are a few photos from this fall's many activities.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Me and my brother

Here's me and Gus, chilling out on my parent's bed. Gus is pretty easy. He doesn't do much talking or walking or anything. He mostly just sleeps and eats. I like to touch and kiss his head--it's really soft. Plus, it usually wakes him up.