Mor Mor made us a super cool advent calendar for Christmas this year. I open one or two or four gifts each day. We also got a Christmas tree that's full of lights and miniature colorful things like balls and boats and cows and goats and santas (moos, baas and bantas). It's really fun.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
Free Floating

I finally got my Dad to take me out on the raft, and oh what an adventure! The wind was whipping up something fierce, but we forged ahead anyway. Since it was blowing downstream we made pretty good time. I got to enjoy a few bites of cheese sandwich, a pumpkin cookie, and apple cider while we floated downstream. There were bald eagles, geese, cows and deer on the river, too. What a day! Like my shades?
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
I love my daddy. He takes good care of me when my mom is out of town, which is happening all the time it seems.
House of Representatives
I recently made a trip to Helena with my folks, 'cause my dad got an EcoStar award from the Governor. It was a lot of speeches and stuff, but my mom took me up to the top of the rotunda and I got to look down and screech. Then we got to see where the House and Senate sit. I liked that. I think I might be a politician one day.
I have all these darn pictures and I just can't figure out how to organize them. I wish people would just learn how to blog.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
This is me in my van just a few days before it broke down. I really like camping a lot because I get to play in the dirt and frolik in various bodies of water. I also get to eat standing up, which is just about unbeatable.
Glacier is just about the most beautiful place on earth. Mom and dad took me on a really freaking long hike, and I got to get out and play with the squirrels on the top of this ridge. I had tons of fun.
Hank's cart
I went to visit my great grandpa Glaze last week in Portland. He has this cool cart thing that he would spin me around in until I was dizzy and would careen into a wall and roll onto the floor. Naw, just kidding. He's a good, safe driver. Pretty cool great grandpa, too.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Green Man Group
Parades are so cool! My dad and his green friends made a "Green Man Group" float for the annual Sweet Pea parade. Dad danced in the front of the truck, which my mom thought was really, really funny, and the rest of the guys stood on the flatbed and drummed out a beat on paint cans, 50-gallon drums, and buckets. I got to drive the truck with mom and wave at all the people, and I didn't even have to sit in my carseat! Way cool.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Mor Mor and Bacco
My Mor Mor and Bacco came to visit last week while dada was floating on the upper Missouri River with some friends. I got to spend a whole day with Mor Mor, a whole day with Mama and a whole day with Bacco--and a whole lot of time at the swimming pool. Here's what Mor Mor and Mama did while I was hanging with Bacco. This is Sacajawea Peak in the Bridger Range. I hope to get up there one day.
Monday, July 31, 2006
A couple weeks ago, me and my folks hiked up Hyalite Peak. It was a long hike, and really really pretty. I hiked the last three feet or so all by myself, which was hard work, but well worth the effort. The views were amazing. The valley behind us is the Paradise Valley, which runs from Livingston to the North Entrance of Yellowstone.
There was also a dog on the summit. I really like dogs a lot. Mom says we can't get a dog because we already have too many pets that we don't take very good care of, but I'm going to keep chipping away at her resolve. I'll take a dog over a good view any day.
There was also a dog on the summit. I really like dogs a lot. Mom says we can't get a dog because we already have too many pets that we don't take very good care of, but I'm going to keep chipping away at her resolve. I'll take a dog over a good view any day.
Friday, July 14, 2006
Oui Oui, Tres Jolie
Bonjour mes amis! I just received this pretty little smock from my Grannie who recently returned from Paris. By the end of the day, I will have turned it into a Montana house dress, but for now, I am dancing like a Lido girl for my chickens.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Bathing Beauties 1
Hi Friends and Admirers, this is a picture of me and Claire up at Spirit Lake for 4th of July weekend. We spent a lot of time bathing in the sunshine and frolicking in the lake while mom, dad, Uncle Tim, and Aunts Eliza and Annie zoomed around in the new ski boat. Grandpa Schaub and Jeanne were really fun. They have these dogs, see. And I really like dogs, especially ones that don't move when I climb on their backs and bounce. Whew. Boy do I like dogs. Do you like dogs?
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Once mom read me a book by a guy named Dr. Seuss (his real name is Ted Geisel, but my mom insisted on calling him Seuss, which is his middle name) and I think this la-mama character was actually IN the book. I wasn't really sure what to make of him in real life. Kinda cute, maybe, but not really worth touching.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Thars gold in them thar hills!
Last weekend, my cousin Zoe and my Uncle Tim came out to Bozeman to dig for gold. We found some in Nevada City, along with a bunch of garnets and bunny rabbits. Then we camped out in a cinder-block "cabin", which didn't suit me very well, so I got to sleep in the car while dada drove over mountain passes in the moonlight. On the way home, we stopped at Norris Hot Springs, which is my favorite if you don't count the local swimming pool when it's full of kids. The best part of the weekend was hanging out with Zoe and sharing my cats with her. She is SO cool. I could just follow her around all day...
Somfthin de Mai
As you all know, Auntie Jenny celebrates her birthday on the most important holiday on the Norwegian calendar. To celebrate with her, me and my mama came out to Seattle and doned our itchy (but lovely) bunads, gobbled down some salmon and salad at the best restaurant in Seattle, toasted the surprise of another Breen baby in the works, and marched in a huge parade in Ballard with our bunad-clad friends, the Strandoos. It was about ten hours past my bedtime, but I didn't care at all because it was the most exciting combination of sites and sounds I ever did see. Wow, those Norwegians sure know how to throw a parade!
Monday, May 15, 2006
Tell me Stewart...
I went on a big camping trip over Mother's Day weekend to North Dakota. This was our first campground in a huge State Park near Glendive. I didn't get to go mountain biking per se, but I did catch up with the bikers at each step of the way and I heard it was pretty badass. I mostly did a lot of dirt moving and tick finding with my buddies Claire and Zach.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Adrenaline Junkie
Guess what?! My Grannie (who I call "dada") got me a swing for my birthday! Last week, on a beautiful spring day, mom (aka "dada") hung it on the branch of a tree in our backyard. Then my dad ("dada") took these pictures while I swung super high and fast. I love swinging. I could just swing all day long.
Monday, April 17, 2006
Missed Meat

I've heard of a lot of crazy things, but have you ever eaten MEAT DONUTS? Doug and Sue brought "Dougie Fresh Doughnuts" to my parents' Meatloaf and Martini party -- they won, of course. I was put to bed before the whole thing, of course. I always miss out on the good stuff. Who says meatloaf and martinis can't be part of a youngster's diet. I mean, I am ONE after all... Jeez.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Feeling old
Well, I hit my first major milestone this weekend when I turned ONE. I think I was the only one disturbed by the fact that my candle was unlit, and therefore couldn't make a wish. Nevertheless, it was a fun party, and I pulled in a truckload of booty. I got to climb the staircase to the attic all by myself AND I discovered that my car seat had been turned to face forward (which would have been my wish, had the candle been lit).
As my mom tucked me into bed that night, I began to realize that I'm getting old really fast. Next year, I'll be twice my age!
As my mom tucked me into bed that night, I began to realize that I'm getting old really fast. Next year, I'll be twice my age!
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Chico Hot Springs
Here's me, Johnny, and Van floating around in the steamy hot tub at Chico Hot Springs. I've got tons of photos from the weekend--to see them, click this photo and visit my Flickr site.
By the way, does everyone know it's my birthday this Saturday???
By the way, does everyone know it's my birthday this Saturday???
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Watching Glen Shovel Snow
Me and my cousins from Seattle had a great time together this weekend. This was one of our favorite moments--the cat, snow, Glen with his snow blower--I could go on, but I don't really have the attention span yet.
Monday, March 13, 2006
mom and gmoms
Look at this motley crew. While I napped away at the Leidecker's pad in Warm Springs, my mom, dad, Nannie, and Mor Mor "shredded the gnar" on Baldy Mountain. Dad tried to take me up to the top, but the mean old lifty wouldn't let him. I guess I'll have to save somethings for next year.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
New Friend

My parent's friends Karen and Stewart finally had their baby. It's a boy I guess, but I'll be nice to him. I think his name is Zachary Ingmar Quinn Junior or something like that. After he rests for a week or so I'm going to start teaching him how to crawl and mess with his dad's stereo. I'm pretty sure he'll be up for just about anything. I guess we're going mountain biking together in May -- he better get busy if he's gonna keep up with me.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Ruby visit
This is my friend, Ruby. I've known her since she was eight weeks old. She is spending the day with me at home, so I let her play with my elephant, frog, and snail. And then when I felt like I really trusted her, I let her play with Mr. Montana who is missing a leg ever since Claire and I wrestled over him a few weeks ago. Excuse me, we have to eat our Cheerios now.
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Be mine
I was very relieved the other day to open the mailbox and find my very own Valentines Day card from my Grandpa Schaub. I am also very happy to report that my hair is coming in.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Literary Giant

I'm really struggling to find a good read right now. I've plowed through most of the great novels and have enjoyed some of what I've read by James Joyce, Hemmingway and Maya Angelou. But to tell you the truth I prefer the classics -- like Barnyard Dance and Are You My Mommy? Now, where'd I leave Happy Baby Words?
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Quilt on couch
This is my mom's spider quilt. She won't tell me if she likes it, she just says she's glad it's done.
Nanny and us
Here we are again, stuffed into our red snowsuits and ready for walking! I loved our visit from Nanny. She let me play in her room during the wee morning hours while my parents snoozed like teenagers.
Sunday, January 08, 2006

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