Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Main St Christmas

Main St XMAs
Originally uploaded by Hazel Glaze.
In all the main intersections along Main Street (there are five), the city puts up these huge gawdy lights and tinsle things that look like giant octopi. That's one of the coolest and weirdest things about Christmas in Bozeman. The other weird thing is the lack of snow. Fortunately we got a big dump last week. It's rad. I love snow.

I hope you all had a nice New Year. I don't have any New Year's resolutions because I'm pretty much perfect just the way I am. I noticed that my mom and dad bought a bathroom scale that says I'm 28 pounds. I've stepped on it about 100 times just to make sure, and now I'm really sure. But you never know, it could change in just a week....

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