Saturday, December 31, 2005

Christmas hats

Christmas hats
Originally uploaded by Hazel Glaze.
Ho ho ho. Me n' Claire got these strawberry hats from Claire's grandma Carolyn. Man, just the thought of strawberries gave us the munchies so bad! Claire gets nutty for Zweiback toast, so I just sucked on a lemon. Check.

Monday, December 19, 2005


Originally uploaded by Hazel Glaze.
Wait, wait...I think I'm getting the hang of it. No. Wait. I think I'm stuck. Maybe if I rock a little. No. OOh. My muscles kind of hurt. Uh. Can someone help me?

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Grandpa Schaub turns 65!

Steve's birthday
Originally uploaded by Hazel Glaze.
Well, would ya take a gander at these crazy folks! You all know my dad by now. He's the rock-star-cum-lumberjack on the left. Next to him Great Aunt Suzie. She's Grandpa Schaub's sister. Man, G-Schaub looks like he's going to blow those birthday candles straight outta cake! Uncle Tim seems surprised--are his arms crossed or is he wearing a straightjacket? Aunt Annie, well, I don't know what to think about her drinking. We don't really talk about that in the family.

Me, I was hangin with my cousin Claire that weekend while our moms went skiing at Bridger Bowl and took in the best powder days of the season (so far).

Happy Birthday, Grandpa Schaub!!!

Grannie Nannie

Originally uploaded by Hazel Glaze.
My Grannie Nannie just came to Bozeman for a visit. She's real nice because she dresses me warmer than my parents and takes me on sledding rides. Sometimes I could just blow bubbles with her all day.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

The Next Generation

KJH with babies
Originally uploaded by Hazel Glaze.
Here's another picture from Thanksgiving. These are my mom's sisters and their 2005 babies. I'm not sure exactly what I'm chewing on--it looks like a fresh kill from this angle. Hm. Maybe a Zweibeck toast? I love those.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

Naked Lasher Cousins
Originally uploaded by Hazel Glaze.
I just got back from an awesome Thanksgiving weekend with the Lasher cousins. We all stayed in one big house so my parents could stay up late binge-drinking with my aunts and uncles. I'm thankful for all my cousins.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Me and Dad

Hazel and Dave
Originally uploaded by Hazel Glaze.
We went hiking this weekend up at Blackmore Lake. My dad wanted to be sure to get Mount Blackmore in the background. He said he's going to take me skiing there soon.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Mr. Montana

Mr. Montana
Originally uploaded by Hazel Glaze.
Mr. Montana is pretty much my favorite toy right now.

Hazel on ice

Hazel on ice
Originally uploaded by Hazel Glaze.
This is me and my dad, ICE SKATING at a pond in the Tobacco Root Mountains. Dad and Uncle Tim are really good ice skaters. My mom maybe needs a few lessons. She fell on her face. I'm pretty glad she didn't carry me on the ice.

After skating, we went to Norris Hot Springs for a soak. Live bluegrass, friends, hot water, and cold air. Topped off with a little breastfeeding. Life doens't get much better than that.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Viva la Revolucion!

eating frenzy
Originally uploaded by Hazel Glaze.
Parents are SOOOO frustrating sometimes. Sometimes while feeding me, my mom will scrape food bits off my chin with the spoon. Well, you don't have to be a baby to know how annoying this is. What, is she trying to feed me regurgitated food?

Rise up, infants! Take charge of your own spoons!! We will wipe our own faces from now on!

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Kitchen help

Hazel 002
Originally uploaded by Hazel Glaze.
My dad finally let me take control of some key kitchen activities today. I tested all the spoons, spatulas and wine corks. I was a little disappointed with the metal spoons; they tasted cold and had no tooth. I much preferred the rubber spatuals--easy-to-grab, vibrant colors, nice chewy rubber with a great woody flavor on the stick.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Geared up

I'm really into hiking. It's just a great way for me to burn off some of my extra energy and get in touch with nature. I've been a hiker for most of my life, really, and I'm pretty good at it. My parents hooked me up with some nice gear that I'm getting the hang of, but you know, it's not about the gear -- it's about how you look in it. I look good.

Saturday, October 29, 2005


Originally uploaded by Hazmat05.
Been rockin' out with my Grannie Nannie this week. She's a bitchin' lady. Feeds me carrots.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

New friends

Last night my parents thought they could get away with putting me to bed and then having twenty five people over for a pumpkin carving party -- as if I was going to miss my first pumpkin carving! I like pumpkins, in fact I've just started eating squash and find it quite tasty. It's the whole thing with the knives, faces, and fire that I'm not so sure about.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Like I said...

Originally uploaded by Hazel Glaze.
I've got six cousins. These are my walking and talking cousins, Zoe, Grace, and Cal. They're all Seattlites. I'm gonna see them at Thanksgiving. Mom says I can have pumpkin for dinner that night. Sure sounds better than that rice cereal slop I get around here.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

More cousins than a jackrabbit

Originally uploaded by Hazel Glaze.
These are my cousins Zoe and Van. I like them a lot. Zoe sings a pretty good "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and eats sushi and raw oysters. Van is a lot younger than me, and that has made it hard to communicate long distance, but next time I see him, I hope to stick my fingers up his nose.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Chillin with Claire

I'm hangin out with my cuz today. She's gettin the hang of my jump-up. She's pretty good at it. She's got skills.
I've been showing her some of the features of my entertainment system. It's pretty nice, not top of the line, but cool.

Sunday, October 09, 2005


So, my parents have finally gotten around to realizing that I'm grown up enough to eat something besides milk. Boy have I hit the jackpot -- now I get milk and a plain rice cereal served lukewarm! My mom says the cereal looks like fishfood. Maybe they'll let me try that next.

Friday, October 07, 2005


Originally uploaded by Hazmat05.
I went to my first yoga class today. It was cool because there were babies crying, fans whirring, music thumping, and lots of ladies with pendulous boobs swinging their arms around.

Thursday, October 06, 2005


It all started with this greasy bag of olives. My parents and my cousin Hazel's parents used to sneak these things back and forth to eachother - hiding them in places you'd never expect, like the freezer or the bottom of a sleeping bag. Then one day, these fetid things showed up on my blog!!! I don't even like olives! It's Hazel that likes them...

Now I want my revenge.


Originally uploaded by Hazmat05.
This is Conrad, nee Connie. He was an excellent rooster. Dad made soup out of him because he thought Conrad was waking up the neighborhood, but we found out later that everyone really liked him. Fortunately, we kept his sister, Anna, and five other distant cousins. They lay about six eggs a day.

Monday, October 03, 2005


Yesterday I woke up to find our house and backyard covered in white. I was stoked!
With enough prodding I convinced my parents to get me a ski pass, so we went up to Bridger in the afternoon to wait in line and get our pictures taken.
I was a little freaked out by the chairlift, mostly because the thing didn't have a bottom, but I got the hang of it pretty quick.
I'm pretty sure we'll be getting lots of first tracks this season since I'm such an early riser. Though my dad says 5:30am is too early to get to the hill to wait for first chair -- I'll probably be able to change his mind.

Friday, September 30, 2005

First Car Ride

Originally uploaded by Hazel Glaze.
I would like to take a moment to reflect upon my childhood. I remember being catapulted into the world, wrapped in a straightjacket and whisked off almost immediately in a car seat that could have fit two of me wearing nothing but a T-shirt and diaper (early spring in Bozeman is NOT the warmest time of year), looking like Ronald McDonald. Young children should not have to endure such indignities.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Ahhh Mor Mor

Ahhh Mor Mor
Originally uploaded by Hazel Glaze.
I usually try not to fall asleep, uh, ever, but sometimes I just can't resist. This pretty lady is my Mor Mor. She says she's making me my own Bunad, whatever that is.

Cuzn Johnny

Johnny n Hazel
Originally uploaded by Hazel Glaze.
My cousin Johnny and I hung out together this summer at Spirit Lake. Mostly, we just tanned on the dock, watching my dad screw up the motorboats. My Aunt Jenny is a pretty good waterskier. Uncle Tom's got a little practicing to do, though.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Van Gals

Originally uploaded by Tim Schaub.
Here's my cuzn Claire and aunt Eliza hangin out in my van. They borrowed it last weekend and went somewhere. I'm not really sure where.
I sure like roadtrippin in the van. My parents pay a lot of attention to me cuz its such a small place. It seems like Claire liked the van, too.
Claire's cool. We hang out. Mostly we sort of wave our arms at each other and drool. The annoying thing is that we can't do anything on our own, our parents are always hovering around laughing and taking pictures and stuff. It'll be cool when we can take a roadtrip just the two of us in the van.

Missing my bootie

Originally uploaded by Hazel Glaze.
I sure love wearing homemade outfits. My sweater and hat was knit by my Grannie Nanny and the booties by my Great Aunt Sally. Unfortunately, I lost one of my booties in the Lewis and Clark Caverns one evening when mom, dad, and Aunt Annie took me on an after-bedtime THREE HOUR tour of the place. Wow. What a spectacular collection of stalagtites and stalagmites! You should really pay a visit to the Caverns next time your in the area (take Annie with you, 'cause she knows a lot more than the guides). Oh, and look around for my blue bootie.

Monday, September 26, 2005

'nuf said

'nuf said
Originally uploaded by Hazmat05.
How much more obvious do I have to make it?
Today while out birthday present shopping for Annie as my dad was paying for a card the guy at the register said, "what a nice, quite, little ... boy?"
I was dressed in all pink. Whaddo I have to do, lift up my dress?

Sunday, September 25, 2005


Originally uploaded by Hazmat05.
Our cat Toast, who really is just a kitten herself, arrived on our back porch hungry and homeless a few weeks ago. When her stomach started bloating my dad took her to the vet to get her dewormed -- turns out the worms were kittens. We've now got a half-dozen cats under our roof. I'm not sure I like sharing the attention...

Partyin with the big boys

Partyin with the big boys
Originally uploaded by Hazmat05.
Here I am up, way past my bedtime, hanging out with some of my friends. They're pretty cool. This guy, Stewart, sure is loud though...

Saturday, September 24, 2005


Originally uploaded by Hazel Glaze.
Here's a new trick I've been practicing. I think it'll give me a good headstart on my swim-racing career. Or maybe it'll permanently scar me -- well, I'll have plenty of material for therapy later in life.


Originally uploaded by Hazel Glaze.
Aunt Annie's 29th birthday is coming up next Monday. I sure hope she makes it back to Bozeman so we can celebrate with her. Who knows, maybe she's run off with a French longboarder... oui, oui

Hazel hits the web

After spending an afternoon with Uncle Tim, Hazel has created her very own blog! (Whatever that means)
We hope you enjoy it -- don't count on daily updates, but we'll do our best...