Monday, September 26, 2005

'nuf said

'nuf said
Originally uploaded by Hazmat05.
How much more obvious do I have to make it?
Today while out birthday present shopping for Annie as my dad was paying for a card the guy at the register said, "what a nice, quite, little ... boy?"
I was dressed in all pink. Whaddo I have to do, lift up my dress?


Anonymous said...

Just because other people are struggling with gender identity does not mean that you need to too. Just let them be confused and relish in the freedom of your somewhat gender neutral appearance. You won't always have that so you should have fun and play with people's minds while you can!

-an admirer

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean, just get the pink bow and some scotch tape like your mom used to wear. Most people will get it. You have a beautiful head, and i agree with the anonymous admirer, have fun with this confusion. you can use either restroom and no one will even notice. ps. once in the mens' room, you will discover you like the ladies better.